Securing GPD
for every Child

Every child deserves a GDP – an equal opportunity to Grow physically,Develop cognitively
and Prosper economically; but Malnutrition is the enemy

Empowering caregivers to prevent malnutrition among their children

We use innovative approaches to educate mothers on nutrition and care practices and provide enabling support such as assess to nutrient supplements to prevent malnutrition

Providing life-saving treatment for acutely malnourished children

We partner with local stakeholders to provide access to free treatment for malnourished children delivering them from death and life-long irreversible consequences of cognitive impairment, chronic diseases and poverty. 

Rehabilitating previously malnourished children to secure their path to prosperity

We empower caregivers of malnourished children socioeconomically to prevent relapse and ensure they thrive to a prosperous future. We provide entrepreneurship support, vocational training, food relief and early childhood scholarships. 

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Let the Numbers Speak
See the great transformations that follow our work
Number of Beneficiaries
200 +
Nutrition packs provided
0 +
Lifes Transformed
0 +
Years of Experience

Our mission is to make nutrition security a priority.

Achieving the ambitious objective of ending all forms of malnutrition by 2030 demand that, the business-as-usual where nutrition is seen only as a subset of health programs, with little attention given to it, in terms of political commitment, funding and research must change. Nutrition must be given its due place in the thought, plans and activities of politicians, development partners, and civil society as the backbone of health and socioeconomic development.

It is to this clarion call we have responded, dedicating ourselves to the vision of “a nutrition-secured populace with optimum socioeconomic development.”

Understand the facts and impact
Our Programs

How we do it

SmalChild Project

Nature 2 Prosper

Feast of Hope

Nature 2 eat

Pillars of Change

Our Partners

The Small Child project report

Our small child report 2022  shows how your funding was utilized

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